A radio documentary about the world environmental crisis and climate change, having as a
narrative line the Mayan prophecies that determined how the planet would end as we know it.
For each Mayan prophecy, there is a report or interview related to the environment that exposes
how in Colombia we are contributing to the care or destruction of the environment.
Original Title: Las 7 profecías Mayas
Genre: Radio Documentary
Author, voice and Director: Tathiana V. Sánchez N.
Producer: Diego Hoyos and Tathiana Sánchez
Collaboration: Miguel Ortiz, Saúl Zambrano, Nicolás Ardila, Maria Andrea Moreno, Camilo Segura, Natalia Herrera, Carlos Heredia.
Language: Spanish
Media: Javeriana Estéreo Radio, 91.9FM Bogotá
Show: Magazin 91.9 FM
2009: Best radio program. Audiovisual exhibition ‘VENTANAS’. 2009.
2008: Best radio program of the Radio Special of the School of Communication – Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá.
Read here a script fragment (English)
Read here a script fragment (Spanish)