Showing 23 Result(s)

Radio Series

One of my passions is to make a series of short radio programmes, all guided by a theme, which allows you to see it from different perspectives. These small series allow me to play with narrative, language, sounds, format, and experiment with messages for audiences. Here you can listen to some of them. Los disfraces …


In my career, my voice has been instrumental in expressing messages and reaching diverse audiences. Narrating, doing promotions, telling stories or creating a statement. Here are some of the works where my voice, as a voice-over artist, has been present. Music presentation Salsa Radio Program – Voice-over As a presenter, I was part of the …

[Radio series] Micro-connected to Higher Education

2008 – 2009 Small radio programmes-format that narrate significant university experiences in Colombian Higher Education. Broadcast throughout the country by the 41 radio stations of the Colombian University Radio Network (RRUC). Name: (ES): Reconectados con la Educación Superior Year: 2008-2009 Genre: Journalistic microprogramme Broadcast: 45 radio stations on the University Radio Network of Colombia

El famoso Anónimo [Chronicle] The Famous Anonymous

Chronicle about one of the bars in the city of Bogota that has been dedicated to promote independent musicians and has new proposals. Testimonies of the owners, loyal customers and musicians who make every day of the anonymous, a less anonymous place. Year: 2007. Fragment in Spanish En Bogotá hay lugares que pasan desapercibidos ante …

Lagunas de la Memoria [Journalistic Profile] Memory Lagoons

The name Lizardo Díaz may not bring back many memories, but Felipe, Emeterio’s inseparable partner in the comedy-musical duet Los Tolimenses, does. With testimonies from him, his family and friends, “Lagunas de la memoria” reconstructs the story of this emblematic man for radio, television and cinema in Colombia. Fragment in Spanish Lizardo Díaz, por cuarenta …