Showing 23 Result(s)

Ciencia Curiosa – Curious Science

In this program I joined Dr. Giovanni Castaño, its creator, to tell incredible and amazing stories about science. It is a very nice program that mixed real facts with wonderful storytelling to motivate scientific dissemination. Director: Giovanni Castaño Narrators: Tathiana Sánchez and Giovanni Castaño Number of seasons: 3 Length: 10 minutes each Here you can …

The 7 Mayan prophecies

A radio documentary about the world environmental crisis and climate change, having as anarrative line the Mayan prophecies that determined how the planet would end as we know it.For each Mayan prophecy, there is a report or interview related to the environment that exposeshow in Colombia we are contributing to the care or destruction of …

Sonido en Vivo

Here you can find some of the programs that were broadcasted during the 5 years of Sonido en Vivo. If you want to know more about this project and the academic research behind it, go here. National Bands Exclusive Concert: Eyelé Band Exclusive Concert: Cantaoras: El Alma de un Pueblo. Folk Colombian Music. Exclusive Acoustic: …